Mýrin 2018 / The Moorland Festival 2018

Það gleður okkur í stjórn Mýrarinnar að tilkynna að hafinn er undirbúningur að næstu hátíð sem fara mun fram haustið 2018! Takið endilega frá dagana 11. – 14. október 2018 því þá mun Norræna húsið fyllast af barnabókahöfundum héðan og þaðan, kátum krökkum alls staðar að og öllum áhugasömum um börn og barnabókmenntir. Við lofum spennandi upplestrum, krassandi vinnustofum og áhugaverðum málstofum.
We are happy to announce that we started preparing for the next Moorland Festival that will take place in autumn 2018! Mark 11 – 14 October 2018 in your calendar, because then the Nordic House will be filled with writers of children’s books from far and near, children’s literature enthusiasts and hundreds of excited kids. We promise entertaining readings, fun workshops and interesting seminars. Stay tuned!

Find more pictures of the Moorland Festival 2016 here