Eva Rún Þorgeirsdóttir (b.1978) is a writer and has published fourteen books for kids, both fiction and educational. She writes fantasy thrillers about courageous kids and humorous books about an Icelandic yule lad. She has also written meditation books for kids. Eva Rún is the author of the audiobook Sögur fyrir svefninn (Sleepstories on Storytel), which is a selection of calming short stories for kids, and for that book Eva Rún received the Icelandic Storytel awards in 2022. Eva Rún has broad work experience within television and media and started working at Stöð 2 (Channel 2) after college graduation. The last three years she has worked as a producer/scriptwriter at KrakkaRÚV, the childrens’ division of RÚV (the Icelandic national broadcasting service), where she produced the tv-show Stundin okkar- a weekly tv program for kids. She also has a broad experience working as a project manager on many different cultural projects and festivals.
Her latest novel, Skrímslin vakna (The Monsters are awake) is a future fantasy where sea-monsters from old Icelandic folktales play an important role – but the undertone of the book is environmental issues and the future of the world. The sequel to this book, The Hidden world, will be released in autumn 2023. The Monsters are awake is a fantasy thriller that takes place in the future, in Iceland the year 2222. It is the first book of two about children of the future, Kata and Jarkó. The book raises questions about the relationship between man and nature and what our future will look like. The book is also about the battle between good and evil and how each and every voice can make a difference – however small and insignificant they seem to be.
Eva Rún Þorgeirsdóttir (f.1978) er rithöfundur og hefur gefið út fjórtán bækur fyrir börn: Spennu-fantasíu sögur um hugrakka krakka, gamansögur um jólasveininn Stúf og auk þess hugleiðslubækur fyrir börn. Hún skrifar hljóðbækurnar Sögur fyrir svefninn á Storytel, en fyrir fyrstu hljóðbókina fékk hún Íslensku hljóðbókaverðlaunin 2022 í flokknum Barna- og unglingaefni ársins.
Nýjasta skáldsaga Evu Rúnar, Skrímslin vakna, er framtíðarfantasía þar sem sæskrímsli úr íslenskum þjóðsögum spila mikilvægt hlutverk – en undirtónn bókarinnar er umhverfismál og framtíð þessa heims sem við búum í. Framhald bókarinnar, Hulinn heimur, kemur út haustið 2023. Skrímslin vakna er framtíðarsaga sem gerist á Íslandi árið 2222. Skeljaskrímslið er fyrri bók af tveimur sem fjallar um börn framtíðarinnar, þau Kötu og Jarkó. Bókin veltir upp spurningum og vangaveltum um samband manns og náttúru og hvernig framtíðin okkar lítur út. Þjóðsagnaverur og sæskrímsli birtast í bókinni sem fulltrúar náttúrunnar, en þau hafa löngum verið samofin íslenskri menningu og náttúru. Bókin fjallar einnig um baráttu góðs og ills og hvernig allar raddir skipta máli – sama hversu smávægilegar þær virðast.